Teradata DBC Errorcodes and Description
| |
| ErrorText |
0 | **** ErrMsgs file as of 07:11:26 04/05/2004. |
2507 | Out of spool space on disk. |
2566 | Processor nnnn failed to respond |
2585 | An I/O error on an MLOAD table caused a crash. |
2587 | Segment overflow -- FastExport request is too complex to process. |
2589 | Request block is not found. |
2606 | Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for LOG function. |
2608 | Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for LN function |
2610 | Internal error: field maintenance error |
2627 | Internal error: invalid operand for UpCaseOp |
2629 | Internal error: bad data type for operation. |
2648 | Internal error: could not find spool header. |
2650 | Numeric processor operand error. |
2669 | Outrow reference to source is illegal case (in MoveRow). |
2671 | Unable to find a source constant (in MoveRow). |
2688 | Numeric Processor Operand Error. |
2690 | Zero table length in Unload. |
2709 | SSSWAIT has timed out. |
2711 | Inconsistent AMP/PE Vproc count. |
2728 | Aborted due to a non-valid reference index on %DBID.%TVMID. |
2730 | Warning: RI is not valid on one or more AMPs. |
2732 | Warning: Skipping parent key validation in level 3 checking. |
2749 | Primary and fallback USI counts do not match |
2751 | Data row out of order. |
2770 | Data row id referenced by NUSI is on wrong AMP. |
2772 | NUSI row indexes non existent data row. |
2791 | Primary and fallback data row checksums do not match. |
2793 | MLoad MARK DUPLICATE INSERT (dup row) |
2810 | Internal error: permanent journal error found. |
2812 | Internal error: invalid record found on transient journal. |
2814 | Data size exceeds the maximum specified. |
2831 | No row was found for the event in the Recovery Control Catalog. |
2833 | Row already exists with different content. |
2852 | Inconsistent check point records found on Restored journal. |
2854 | Specified checkpoint row does not exist in Journal table %TVMID. |
2871 | Missing table header for DBC.DBCInfoTbl, updates bypassed. |
2873 | Pending operation on DBC.DBCInfoTbl prevented updates. |
2875 | Task Lock cannot be granted - resource busy |
2892 | Null value eliminated in set function |
2894 | The cursor spool row specified is invalid. |
2913 | A specific-AMP recovery was executed out of order. |
2915 | The journal for the updated table does not exist |
2934 | Input is in new row format -- expected old format. |
2936 | No row was found for Bulk Load delete/update. |
2955 | Invalid before image on transient journal. |
2974 | Invalid backup message received. |
2976 | Message with invalid kind has been received. |
2995 | Duplicate field in into specification. |
2997 | Requested field does not exist in row. |
3016 | Userid, password or account > 30 characters. |
3018 | RAR response is malformed. |
3035 | DBC.Sessiontbl is corrupted, session cannot be recovered. |
3117 | The continue request contains invalid parcels. |
3119 | Continue request submitted but no response to return. |
3136 | Internal Error: The request cannot be aborted, session is in-doubt. |
3138 | Waiting to load in-doubt session information |
3140 | Request has already been committed |
3157 | DQM Cache invalid or size exceeded |
3159 | DQM internal error |
3180 | Service console programming fault detected. |
3220 | RCT program fault. |
3239 | Invalid RepBegin message received. |
3241 | MDS database does not exist. |
3260 | The LOGOFF SESSIONS option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL. |
3262 | The LOCAL CHANGE option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL. |
3279 | There are no more Monitor Sessions available. |
3281 | Internal Error: Inconsistent Monitor software condition detected. |
3283 | Internal Error: No free context blocks are available. |
3403 | Request parcel contains fewer session ids than specified. |
3405 | Session %VSTR not found or does not have an in-doubt transaction. |
3504 | Selected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group. |
3506 | Internal error: Tree segment contains errors. |
3525 | The user cannot create or drop a PRIMARY index. |
3527 | Format string '%VSTR' has combination of numeric, character and GRAPHIC values. |
3544 | Partial string matching requires character operands. |
3546 | Default values may not be parameterized. |
3548 | The user cannot run FastLoad and MLoad at the same time. |
3565 | Database has tables without After Image Journaling. |
3567 | Deleting database 'DBC' is not allowed. |
3586 | Processor specification error(too many or invalid values). |
3588 | A User may not be assigned a NULL password. |
3607 | Too many values in a subquery. |
3609 | Excessively complex set conditional. |
3626 | Internal error: WITH BY clause contains multiple tables. |
3628 | Only identical Aggregated Expressions can use the DISTINCT option. |
3647 | NULL may not be used as the argument for an aggregate function. |
3649 | Compressed NULL and NOT NULL cannot coexist for column %VSTR. |
3668 | A table listed in the Dictionary is not present. |
3670 | '%VSTR' is not a User. |
3687 | Special characters may not be used in passwords. |
3689 | END EXPORT statement is valid only if in FastExport Task. |
3708 | Syntax error, %VSTR should be deleted. |
3710 | Insufficient memory to parse this request, during %VSTR phase. |
3729 | Invalid use of non-SQL field definition(s) in ALTER TABLE. |
3731 | The user must use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL to test for NULL values. |
3748 | Parcel kind or ordering is invalid. |
3750 | Illegal Kanji object name %VSTR. |
3752 | Too many digits in exponent. |
3769 | Checksum locking modifier must reference the same table as the SELECT statement that follows it. |
3771 | Illegal expression in WHEN clause of CASE expression. |
3790 | GRANT/REVOKE LOGON not allowed TO DBC. |
3792 | Conflicting CASESPECIFIC options. |
3809 | Column '%VSTR' is ambiguous. |
3811 | Column '%VSTR' is NOT NULL. Give the column a value. |
3813 | The positional assignment list has too many values. |
3832 | A 2PC parcel must not directly follow an Options parcel. |
3851 | Macro is greater than %VSTR after name expansion. |
3853 | '%VSTR' is not a table. |
3872 | Illegal use of an aggregate operation in an UPDATE statement. |
3874 | No journaling options have been specified. |
3891 | Check text for check constraint (explicit or derived from partitioning expression) is greater than 8192 characters. |
3912 | Invalid message kind received. |
3914 | ABORT request transaction ids do not match. |
3933 | The Maximum Possible Row Length in the Table is too Large. |
3935 | Session and/or request number does not match an aborted task. |
3954 | Non-GRAPHIC data cannot be assigned to column %VSTR. |
3956 | Improper representation of hexadecimal GRAPHIC data. |
3973 | Cannot specify multiple constraints in an Alter Table statement. |
3975 | Table '%VSTR' is an illegal referential constraint target. |
3994 | Alias name defined should be used instead of table name%VSTR. |
3996 | Right truncation of string data. |
5014 | A CI with no DBDs has been found. |
5016 | The table header passed in memory is invalid. |
5033 | An invalid first sector number has been detected. |
5035 | An unexpected FSG error has occurred. |
5054 | An invalid SRD reference array index was detected. |
5056 | An unfree (uninitialized) cylinder has been allocated. |
5073 | The DB returned by IdxUpgradeDB is not the original one. |
5075 | An invalid DBKOPERATION was specified. |
5077 | An invalid deltasectors was specified. |
5096 | Sort attempted to generate an invalid row uniq value. |
5115 | An attempt was made to generate an invalid row uniq. |
5117 | dbkmoddbs could not perform the block split indicated by dbkfit. |
5136 | The CI was unlocked to avoid an undetectable deadlock. |
5138 | An unexpected error has occurred in a UNIX service routine. |
5157 | TID: %d %d %d First RID: %d %d %d %d %d Last Partition/Hash: %d %d %d\n |
5159 | System test forced tpareset\n |
5176 | The data block checksum is invalid. |
5178 | The file information block checksum is ' 'invalid. |
5300 | Foreign Key column '%VSTR' cannot reference itself. |
5319 | The specified DATABLOCKSIZE value is invalid |
5321 | Constraint, primary index, or secondary index with the same name '%VSTR' already exists in table. |
5338 | More than 1,000 volatile tables in current session. |
5340 | Database name, if specified, must be the login user name for a volatile table. |
5342 | Table option not allowed for temporary/volatile table. |
5361 | The compress value must be in the repertoire of the character column. |
5363 | The default value must be in the repertoire of the character column. |
5380 | Internal error: Unexpected character Data type. |
5382 | The word APPLY is not spelled correctly in the Release Mload statement. |
5401 | Number of fractional digits out of range. |
5403 | WITH TIME ZONE must follow either TIME or TIMESTAMP. |
5420 | No triggers exist for table '%VSTR'. |
5422 | A triggered action statement cannot update the subject table. |
5424 | A triggered action statement is the wrong kind. |
5441 | Replicated table status cannot be INITIATED for Define Role statement. |
5443 | The specified role of a replicated table is either missing or invalid. |
5462 | No DDL statements will be allowed until MDS is ready to accept them. |
5464 | Error in Join Index DDL, %VSTR. |
5483 | Illegal use of Ordered Analytical Function operation in an UPDATE statement. |
5485 | MLinReg can have only one entry in the order specification list. |
5502 | The name specified as an argument does not match the corresponding parameter name '%VSTR'. |
5523 | Invalid MULTITSR parcel received. |
5525 | LOCKING modifier canot be specified with CALL SQL statement. |
5544 | The OPTCOST GDO is uninitialized. |
5546 | Sampleid cannot be nested inside Ordered Analytical and AGGREGATE Functions. |
5563 | The table specified in the UPSERT statement contains triggers that could be fired. |
5565 | The UPDATE specified in the UPSERT statement is a complex update. |
5584 | Data exception: numeric value out of range. |
5586 | Random not allowed in inserted PI column value. |
5605 | A NEW_TABLE or OLD_TABLE reference is not allowed to be passed to a macro. |
5607 | Check output for possible warnings encountered in compiling UDF. |
5624 | The Branch offset is very long. |
5628 | Column %FSTR not found in %VSTR. |
5645 | The value of '%VSTR' supplied is out of range. |
5647 | Internal erorr: Data dictionary table UDFInfo in inconsistent state. |
5666 | LOBs are not allowed in indexes. |
5687 | REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY is not allowed on LOB columns. |
5689 | LOBs are not allowed to be compared. |
5706 | Cannot BEGIN QUERY LOGGING for user because ALL rule exists. |
5708 | Table header size exceeds limit. |
5727 | Missing the last range end. |
5729 | Primary index for the table is not partitioned. |
5769 | The Locator is invalid due to an internal error. |
5788 | %VSTR currently do not support Identity Columns. |
5790 | UPSERT on a table with an Identity Column primary index is illegal. |
5809 | SET keyword in ANSI UPDATE is required. |
5811 | MINUS of queries is not in Entry Level ANSI. |
5828 | PRIVILEGES keyword is required in ANSI. |
5830 | ROLLBACK WORK cannot indicate a condition or return text to user in ANSI. |
5832 | LOCKING modifier is not ANSI. |
5849 | INSTEAD OF triggers are not supported. |
5851 | BEFORE triggers having data changing statements are not supported. |
6013 | Vproc Number is not defined in the Physical Configuration. |
6015 | The host number is invalid. |
6032 | Warning: The number of Amps in a cluster is less than one-half of the Default Cluster value specified. |
6034 | Incompatible operation with the Vproc type in current config map. |
6036 | The range is invalid. |
6053 | Unable to rebuild reference index, needs to be rebuilt. |
6114 | Message Kind is invalid in the message header. |
6135 | Reconfig is aborted at a reversible state. |
6137 | The hash bucket arrays on an AMP are invalid. |
6156 | Encountered disk error, causing too many Amps down in cluster |
6158 | Recovery is still active, Reconfig will not run until recovery done |
6604 | A changed data row was received that whose contents are in error |
6606 | Not enough space was provided to receive the data into |
6665 | RSG failed to locate the TD AMP Worker Task's well-known mailbox |
6667 | Contents of RSG configuration file are incorrect |
6705 | An illegally formed character string was encountered during translation. |
6707 | Internal error: A move of overlapping strings was requested of the ISF subsystem. |
6766 | Syntax error in SDF. |
6768 | Invalid numeric format. |
6770 | Invalid CCD value. |
7420 | An invalid hash bucket has been encountered. |
7439 | Row references non-existent session. |
7441 | The date does not correspond to an exiting era. |
7443 | The length of argument is incorrect. |
7460 | Cannot continue utility operation on %DBID.%TVMID because system configuration has changed. |
7462 | Operation not allowed: pending replication copy operation on table %DBID.%TVMID. |
7481 | Operation with same utility Id and table Id already running. |
7483 | Warning: RI checks bypassed for Referential Constraints. |
7502 | A system trap was caused by UDF %DBID.%TVMID for %VSTR |
7521 | Primary LOB row is on wrong AMP. |
7523 | Fallback LOB row is in wrong subtable. |
7544 | Cannot logon utility session. |
7563 | Source row is deleted while update is in progress. |
7565 | One or more rows found for table not in DBC.TVM. Deleted. |
7624 | %FSTR: Invalid message class (%VSTR) encountered. |
7626 | %FSTR: Invalid (%VSTR) step. |
7643 | %FSTR: Error Initiating a new task; tskget failed with return code (%VSTR). |
7645 | %FSTR: Error writing into file; fwrite failed with return code (%VSTR). |
7704 | The RepPhase1 message indicates fewer RepDDL than already received. |
7706 | Multiple RepBegTrans received for the same transaction before RepPhase1. |
7708 | Transaction previously asynchronously aborted. Now transaction aborted with RepPhase1Rsp message. |
7725 | MDS received more DDL chunks than expected for a transaction. |
8011 | The LAN message Format field is invalid. |
8013 | The LAN message MessageLength field is invalid. |
8051 | No network protocol exist. |
8112 | Secondary index is not unique. |
8114 | Update is illegal. |
8215 | ROLLBACK recovery stopped. |
8217 | Maximum number of tables exceeded. |
8234 | Duplicate rows will not be restored to table |
8236 | Cross Platform Migration is currently not supported. |
8257 | Improperly formatted directed request. |
8501 | LOB end of data encountered. |
8503 | Invalid LOB ID |
8522 | LOT could not allocate a PDE mailbox |
8541 | LOT send was passed conflicting values in the descriptor |
| LOT got an unexpected return code discarding a scratch segment |
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